In 2014 I met the love of my life at a college group on campus. It was love at first sight and it wasn’t long before we were ready to set out on our grand adventure of life together. After all of 10 months we eloped and due to extenuating family drama on my side we ended up initially living with my in-laws. After lots more family drama things finally started to settle down and we were looking to move-out now that he had a job he loved and I had just gotten a new job which gave us the financial boost we needed to get our own place finally. 2016 felt like it was going to be our year! Unfortunately, though, just as soon as it started looking up, all those fairy tale dreams and picture-perfect moments we were imagining slowly faded. Within a week of what seemed like a new beginning, our lives came crashing down and my darling love was arrested for a crime he didn’t commit. So began an almost THREE year long fight to prove his innocence.

Despite our best efforts and thousands of dollars and multiple lawyers later, at the end of  2018 my husband and I made the very difficult decision to accept a plea deal instead of face trail. While we could have won at trial, given the accusation and the county we were in, it was far more likely we would lose. People’s natural biases that would have been on a jury and the more than corrupt system made it very obvious we had little chance. If we lost at trail we would be facing 50+ years despite a clean record and his young age. My husband tearfully signed the documents that would take us away from each other in hopes of giving us a future together. 5 years is better than 50. We’ve been through a lot but if it has taught me anything it has taught me that your circumstances don’t define your life or what you can do. While we still have many more obstacles to overcome we are proving to the world that God’s grace and plan is greater than anything that may try to hold you back. I am eager to share our story with you and also share some of my passions with you too.  

I also want to help shed light on the corruption and horrors that are running rampant with mass incarceration. In a world where money beats justice it doesn’t matter if you are innocent or guilty.

I do want to take a moment here and make it vitally clear that I am in no way against police, judges, law enforcement etc. I am against the CORRUPTION within those realms, which unfortunately DOES exist.

With that being said, I want to help educate others on the realities that do exists as many innocent people do in fact go to prison. Most may say “but why would an innocent person take a plea deal?” The truth is that going to trail leaves you vulnerable to a much higher sentence than a plea deal. And if YOU were innocent and were guaranteed you wouldn’t get more than x years if you signed a deal verses going to trial and getting DOUBLE or even TRIPLE that MINIMUM if you lost….I think most would take the deal. The sad reality is that plea deals are used as a scare tactic and it DOES work more often times than not. Like I said earlier 5 is better than 50 and a known is often better than an unknown.  

Thank you!  

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