So this is it…the pivotal moment of launching a blog. The first blog post. What should it say? What should it be about. I’ve read a million article about do’s and don’t (can we say stressful). What if the first post is dumb and no one comes back. What if it is fantastic and I will never be able to write something that good again? What if…

To anyone out there that has ever tried to start anything ever these thoughts or thoughts like them run through our heads at a mile a minute convienceing us we aren’t ready. But what if that little voice inside your head (the fear) is the very thing preventing you from finding your greatenss?

I’ve waited years to launch a blog. I’ve done several in the past but once I started getting traction would get scared and quite because I could tell myself, “Well at least I didn’t fail.” Looking back now of course I wish I had stuck with it because I would be so much farther along on this journey than constantly doing a stop start.

Eventually I told myself well I will launch it just as soon as I know the site works without issue and everything is linked and the subscribe buttons and emails are all good to go. Fast forward another year because who are we kidding I still haven’t figured that stuff out.

Finally, I said “screw it. It doesn’t have to be perfect lets just start.” So here we are. Starting.

So hi and welcome. If you’re looking for a blog about life and its struggles you’ve come to the right place. I don’t have a “niche” (at least not yet) and you may get tired of the switching back and forth from serious conversations to the latest things that made me laugh. Or one day we are talking about fashion and décor and the next we are ranting about the latest crazy from the government but hey if you don’t like it well I guess this blog won’t be for you because well…that’s me.

We will have fashion weeks, budgeting tips, DIY home projects, financial help and psychology tips and mental health. We may have random car posts because I am a car girl with a firebird and a corvette and my husband is a mechanic and computer geek. We’ll have full on prison and sentence reform conversations for all the people that haven’t experienced the truth about the system because we’ve all been lied to our whole lives about how it works and “protects” us. We’ll probably have some motivational, fitness, and or food recipes kick in at some point plus lets not forget about the pets because I have a million things I like and my interests are all over the place.

So if you you’ve stayed around this long then clearly you either have the million things brain like me or you just want to watch the crazy so grab a chair and kick back because with my insane life it’s going to be a wild ride!

My brain likes to plan even though 90% of the time it doesn’t go accordingly. So the “plan” says the next several posts will probably be a lot about packing, moving, and renovations to our new home. Yes ladies and gentleman we are moving into our “first” house! Technically we’ve been in a house for several years but this will be the first house that is like actually 100% ours (more on that in later posts maybe). For anyone that has read the home page or about me page y’all already know that my husband was wrongfully convicted back in 2018 and life has been a struggle to say the least. He has been out almost a year now (June 26th) and it took us that long to finally be able to find something we can finally live together in because of all the restrictions of parole. So after being separated for 2.5 years while he was in prison and then almost a year since he has been out I am very excited to finally get to end long distance marriage.

Due to the restrictions, it has been quite a struggle to find somewhere we could live together and because of that we are buying a house that is terribly overpriced (the markets though) and in desperate need of some TLC and major updates. So that means LOTS of renovations and decorating content for y’all, and a little creative outlet for me.

With this purchase we will also be budget living even more than we already to help rebuild the hard hit our savings is about to take. So, lots of meal prep and finance hack content for y’all, and me getting to talk on topics I LOVE!

Overall I think you can see it’s gonna be a lot and I am not very good at remembering to “post regularly” because I have like a million things to do all the time. I mean I’m a wife, dog/cat mom, full time employee, and trying to build my own business. But if you hang in there and bare with me till I get the hang of this I think it will be pretty cool and I hope you’ll enjoy the content or since I know not everyone will agree with what I say on any given day maybe it will at least add a viewpoint to give you something to think about (or laugh about hey I don’t care).

Happy Reading!

And hey don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter through that link on the side bar or click HERE.

P.S. if you see the post early on there may be no link on the sidebar and the “HERE” hyperlink might not be working yet so sorry if that’s the case for you! But that’s what start now means when you try to do it without it being perfect.